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Kitchen Organization

Organization is key in order to achieve a smooth work flow, environment which ultimately transcends to the guest experience. This goes hand in hand with the quality of the service which you aim to preserve. With my years of experience I know a thing or two on how to achieve exactly that!


Efficient administration of communication. This involves the process from the clients/guest needs towards management and staff members. For a satisfactory experience.



Innovative staff rostering. This entails a healthy work balance for staff members as well as establishing efficient work hours in order to avoid overtime and necessary holiday planning.



Kitchen layout design is key to improve an ergonomic workflow. From efficient utilization of equipment and ensured safety to accessibility and sustainability on long term.



Increasing productivity with multi tasking knowledge. For maintaining quality and maximizing profits with sustainable options. 

This is also a key point in my coaching classes which I offer click here for more information.



In order to maintain the implemented kitchen organization, I can be booked on a monthly basis to ensure the standard and safety is ongoing.

Let's Work Together

I look forward to working with you and being able to share my years of experience with you!

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